





The effects of sea salt on muscular pains:

In today’s world, people do not have a natural physical motion. This matter can impact negatively on their muscular and bones. In the long term, the may suffer from a chronic condition, which might result in an extreme pains in body. In retrospect, sea salt has been known as a suitable substance to prevent and reduce pain. More importantly, sea salt can improve the flow of blood in the area of usage and boost its supply, which can help muscles to receive a sufficient nourishment. Therefore, it can alleviate pains in body. In addition, sea salt constituted a useful minerals which lead body to gain a require minerals through skin, which result in muscles and bones improvement. Common diseases that might cause by muscle pains are Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis and Bursitis. So sea salt has a positive impact on the aforementioned diseases directly.

Necessary minerals in sea salt such as manganese, magnesium and potassium have a medical advantages. This issue centers on the fact that sea salt can be a natural remedy for muscle pains. Sea salt is useful for reducing bruised muscles and increase their strength. A permeability in sea salt through skin could reduce a production of toxic substances in human body and consequently it can minimize a variety of complaints, which derives from muscle’s pension and exhaustion.

It is proven by scientists that sea salt has a positive impact on Arthritis and Rheumatoid treatments. Many studies have shown that sea salt have an anti-inflammation in patient’s body compared with a common salt.

One of the greatest methods of sea salt consumption is using it inside the Taskin electrical heating pad products, which equipped with an intelligence controller to integrate temperature. When, sea salt steadily warms up, negative ions can release. This matter cause an enhancement in bloodstream in the area of usage and consequently could relief pains. So, Taskin products are using for alleviating a wide range of pains such as Rheumatism, Arthritis, Spasm, relief bruised muscles, menstruation, heart beat regulation, and obviate exhaust which derives from an arduous training. Furthermore, Taskin products can be useful for opening pores and expulsion of toxic substances from body.


About products:

All products are equipped with a cutting-edge technology and an intelligence controller so that a temperature could integrate in a target place. Moreover, a user can adjust its temperature based on demand and also change its off-time. By doing so, a device will off automatically after spending determined time, which demonstrates handy and user-friendly device. In addition, all devices are equipped with heating sensor to protect a probability of happening a high temperature. Some products which are mentioned by “W” are washable regarding to an isolated and detachable connector, which enables them to wash in a lower 30’ centigrade temperature.

An advanced Taskin controller is equipped with a protector of life circuit that prevent people from an electrical shock and short circuit. To a large extent, this matter can secure devices completely from electrical dangers which are vital to user’s health.

All Taskin products are designed for three voltage categories that enables foreign people to use a device based on 220V AC, 110V AC or 12V DC. It means that a user can choose a product based on their demand (No need for adaptor).

Size: 30 x 40 CM

This product can be used for alleviating local pains such as backache, knee pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, chest pain, stomachache, menstruation, and other related areas.

Size: 40 x 65 CM

This product can be used for comfortable sleep and relief pain in waist and sides.

Size: 30 x 40 CM

This product is washable but not included sea salt.

Size: 40 x 65 CM

This product is washable but not included sea salt.

This product is washable and can be used for reducing pain in waist area.


This product is washable and can be used for reducing pain in neck and shoulder areas.


Size: 35 x 40 CM

This product can be used for expulsion of toxic substances through sole. Furthermore, it is used for alleviating pain in foot and relief its exhaustion.